Larry Page T
Google has always been historically paranoid about any numbers it publicly releases. For many years even after it was publicly traded, the management triumvirate including Larry Page had to personally approve any numbers the company issued in public, a policy I believe still stands.
So it’s worth pointing out all the figures the company has decided to share in a letter to investors that caps off Page’s first year at CEO:
30: The number of products Google has shut down this year, including Knol and Sidewiki.
120: The number of Google+ integrations, which unsurprisingly mostly involve Google products.
100 million: The number of active Google+ users. Is this a sign of health? Or that Page is out of touch with reality and perhaps should be using a different engagement metric? Discuss.
850,000: Android devices activated per day. (It’s an old number from Mobile World Congress in February.)
55: The number of Android manufacturing partners.
300: The number of Android’s carrier partners.
200 million: The number of Chrome users.
350 million: Number of Gmail users.
 The number of enterprise and educational customers that sign up for Gmail every day.
800 million: The number of monthly YouTube users.
$2.5 billion: The run-rate for the mobile advertising business in the third quarter of 2011.
2.5x: Growth over mobile advertising revenue in the same time period two years earlier.
$30 billion: Amount that Google has cumulatively paid out to content publishers on the web through the AdSense program.
64: Number of languages supported in Google Translate.
4032: Language pairs supported by Google Translate.


Launch Date:September 7, 1998
Google provides search and advertising services, which together aim to organize and monetize the world’s information. In addition to its dominant search engine, it offers a plethora of online tools and platforms including: Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Google+, the company’s extension into the social space. Most of its Web-based products are free, funded by Google’s highly integrated online advertising platforms AdWords and AdSense. Google promotes the idea that advertising should be highly targeted and relevant to users thus providing...

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