Archive for 2012-12-30
Amazing bridge

is a wildlife bridge in the Netherlands. Wildlife bridges are designed
to help animals cross busy highways in safety. They don't just protect
wildlife from being hit by cars - they also connect fragmented habitats
and help populations intermingle.
Robotic metal band ...
Did you ever wonder what Danny Carey would sound like if he had 4 arms?
How about if Angus Young had 78 fingers? Imagine what Robert Trujillo would sound like if he was actually made of metal?
Well, wonder no more, meatbags.
Compressorhead is the.
How We Will Terraform Mars
NASA's latest Mars rover, Curiosity, is currently its way to Mars, on a mission to explore whether life could exist there. If we're going to colonize Mars — and some scientists say we must
— it's likely that we'll start by terraforming. Terraforming,.
For Girls only

Have heck loads of money and don't know what to do with it?! Make a shirt out of GOLD! A wealthy man splashed out Rs 12 lakhs on a solid gold shirt in the hope it will attract female attention. No kidding!
'I know I am not the best looking man.