Archive for 2012-02-12
lovely camera
lovely camera
The Tiniest camera in the world weighs only 11 g and shoots video and photos.
The MAME-CAM, is created by Japanese company Thanko. It shoots video around 640×480 resolution, pictures in 1,600×1,200 and records audio in mono.
Most of us use iPhone because we think it’s the best smartphone. But ever thought if iPhones were alive, what would they say to their owners? Designer Nico Ordozgoiti knows the answer…
Are we blind to the beauty spread in every walk of our life

A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that 1,100 people went through.
Top 10 Most Beautiful Eyes
Top 10 Most Beautiful Eyes
10. Charlize Theron
One of the most difficult tasks for this list of the most beautiful eyes was finding a large head shot that showcased their eyes. Most photos included the entire female’s body and when.
Amazing Digital Paintings
Digital Paintings is a trend that will not be going away anytime soon. What makes these images stand out is the attention to detail in every single one. As I browse the internet and go through people portfolios, a lot of the work amazed me and i'll.