Archive for 2012-04-01

By The Numbers: Larry Page’s First Year as Google’s CEO

Google has always been historically paranoid about any numbers it publicly releases. For many years even after it was publicly traded, the management triumvirate including Larry Page had to personally approve any numbers the company issued.

Giant Paper Airplane Flies in Arizona

On March 21, the PIMA Air & Space Museum successfully launched a 45 foot long paper airplane from a helicopter in the skies over Arizona (video).

The Surreal Gravity-Defying Photographs of Philippe Ramette

Crisis of casualness Irrational contemplation Rational exploration of the undersea : irrational walk Between 2003 and 2006, French conceptual artist Philippe Ramette created a series of gravity-defying photographs that show.

Video of Tow Truck and Tractor-Trailer Rolling Down Cliff in Norway

On April 1, amateur Norwegian photographer Gunn Iren Johnsrud was filming a tow truck pulling a tractor-trailer up a snowy mountain road in Northern Norway when the rig slid off the road, rolling 200 feet down a cliff and taking the tow truck.

Russian Man Free Climbs Stalin Era Skyscraper in Moscow

Russian daredevil Tyomka Pirniazov free climbed the ornate Soviet star at the top of the 577 foot tall Stalin-eraKotelnicheskaya Embankment Building in Moscow. He recorded the feat and the dizzying view with a camera.

No Kitchen Required, An Adventurous Cooking Competition TV Series

No Kitchen Required is a cooking competition television series “that follows three chefs who are dropped off in remote locations where they must work with the locals to hunt, forage and collect ingredients for a locally-inspired meal.”.

Animals Inside Out, An Exhibition of Animals Preserved by Plastination

“Animals Inside Out” is an exhibition of animal corpses that have been perfectly preserved with plastic polymers in a process called “plastination” (video). The exhibition is by plastination inventor Dr. Gunther von Hagen. Von Hagen.

Identical quadruplets born in rarest of rare case

In a rare instance of identical quadruplets, which doctors say happens once in 13 million births, four such males were born on March 11 in Kerala's Kasargod district. MANGALORE: In a rare instance of identical quadruplets, which.

Another Flying Car ... Are you Ready???

NOW YOU CAN FLY YOUR CAR IN SKIES According to washington post news they have published a news claiming that . Flying cars aren’t just science fiction anymore. Woburn, Mass.-based Terrafugia Inc. said Monday that its prototype flying car has completed.

Flying Car Makes Successful Maiden Flight

The Netherlands made a lot of noise in the tech world last year for stuff like net neutrality and the legal herping and derping between Apple and Samsung. Now it's making some noise of the whirly kind after the successful maiden.

prosthetic leg for elephant


Display any Image in Facebook Chat

You might have noticed that, whenever an image is uploaded to Facebook,it is assigned with a unique ID that is visible into your URL When an ID is written within "[[ ]]" it displays that particular picture in the chat-box.If you want to.
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