Extreme Camping: Tree Camping In Germany

Extreme Camping: Tree Camping In Germany

This is definitely one for the more the slightly more extreme traveler, it’s the Waldseilgarten mountain resort in Bavaria, Germany and as you can see by the pictures it looks stunning. I say its more for towards the extreme traveling side of things because it involves camping in a tent hanging over 6,000 feet in the air!
The Waldseilgarten mountain resort offers a wide variety of extreme camping options, from experiencing an amazing sunset hanging from a cliff or tree top to relaxing in a hand built igloo. Let’s be honest, there aren’t that many camping resorts that let you make your own igloo to sleep in!
The great thing is that all the Tree camping guests partaking in the adventure night out receive training such as rope and rock climbing techniques, guides on how to ascend and descend from the portaledges and many other useful skills before spending a night in the resort. You also get the luxury of well maintained toilet facilities just minutes from the sleeping grounds but anyone wishing to have a bit more fun can just take take a shower in the local waterfall, its guaranteed to wake you up in the morning!

tree camping family in germany

tree camping family in germany

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